Sunday, June 29, 2008

Precursor of things to come.

I got up this afternoon and washed the van. Nice and clean now, guess it'll be more aerodynamic with all that dirt and dust gone. It was so hot that I had to turn the van around half way through, the water would evaporate off the sunny side before I could get to it with the sponge. The temperature at the time was 36C, I think in Fahrenheit that's close to a billion degrees. I remember a line from an old Monty Python skit that seems fitting: "Hot enough to boil a monkey's bum." I guess we should embrace the heat, I've heard rumors that it gets warm in the summer time in California and Mexico.
Tomorrow Nicole takes the cats to kitty prison for their month long sentence, that is of course if she can find them. Voodoo's around but Tiki's gone AWOL. Looking on the bright side, kitty prison will only cost half as much if we don't find her. However I'm sure there'll be a cornucopia of mice, moles, and other assorted rodents piled by the patio door when we return. A thoughtful pile of gifts from Tiki.

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